Stay safe from scams & fraud

Helpful hints and tips to protect yourself against fraud

Current Fraud Trends - Please Read!

Criminals are always looking for new ways they can get you to part with your money and personal details, so it’s really important you know how to spot these fake requests.

They are currently sending fake emails or text messages, pretending to be from companies you trust such as the TV Licensing authority, subscription services or even the Bank.  They want you to click on links in order to get your personal information. You should never take an unexpected request at face value and should always look to verify it independently. Some of the ways you can do this are as follows: 

- Looking for personal identifiers in emails. We'll always use at least 2 pieces of information (such as your name and partial postcode) to show it's us contacting you. 

- If you receive an unexpected request from a trusted company, you should contact them independently on a different number or check their website for the latest scams. 

- To protect yourself and your money always think twice before clicking on any unexpected emails or texts.  

To find out more, please read our more detailed fraud guides below.

Top 5 ways to keep yourself safe from scams and fraud

  • Remember, the Bank will NEVER ask you to share your PIN’s, passwords, or One Time Passcodes. Don’t tell anyone your security details even if they tell you they are from the Bank
  • Ulster Bank will NEVER ask you to transfer money to a “Safe Account”
  • Do not click on any links contained within emails or text messages purporting to be from the Bank or another trusted organisation
  • Stay in control and don’t let anyone rush you or make you feel pressured
  • Read our guide on how to detect and protect from fraud and scams

More information can be found at Fraud Smart (opens in new window)

Invoice Redirection Scams

Criminals are targeting businesses with a simple, but highly effective, scam involving invoices.

If you receive an unexpected instruction asking you to update bank details make sure the instruction is genuine by reaching out to someone you know at the company, using contact details other than those listed on the new instruction.

If the instruction is confirmed to be fraudulent, be sure to notify the bank.

Other types of fraud and scams

Romance Scams

This type of fraud is when you think you’ve met the perfect person online, but are not who they say they are. Once that person has gained your trust, they ask for money for a variety of emotive reasons.

ATM Fraud

We see two main methods used by fraudsters to target ATMs – skimming and card trapping. In a skimming attack, a criminal fits a small device in the card slot of the ATM. This little gadget captures the data from the magnetic stripe on the back of a bank card. Having also copied the PIN using a concealed camera, the fraudster puts this stolen bank card data onto the magnetic stripe of another card – a mobile phone top-up card, for example – which is then used to make cash withdrawals, usually overseas.   Card trapping occurs when a device fitted to the card slot prevents your card from being returned to you. Once you’ve left the machine, the fraudster prises the device off, taking your card.

Doorstep scams

Doorstep scams are when someone like a rogue trader knocks on your door in hope of scamming you out of your money or try to steal items from within your home.   It is always important to take care when you answer your door. These types of scammers can be persuasive, pushy and polite and it can be easy to fall victim.    

Credential Stuffing

Credential Stuffing is when a criminal takes advantage of a data breach and steals your data including usernames and passwords. When they then have this data they will then try to login to your accounts. If you reuse your password across multiple accounts the criminals will then have access to more than just one of your accounts.